Sunday, February 8, 2009

Translation required!

In doing a Google search using KC's Chinese name 郭追, this article came up.

From what little I could read using Google Translate, it seems like it's chock full of interesting tidbits about his personal life including his family and a girlfriend.

I need a translator please!  ^_^

If you want to read the hilarious Google Translate version, see below.


张彻见郭追一见钟情 郭追见张彻一见发抖
[ 作者:斌妮 | 更新时间:2009-2-8 ]










平日,我每天都可在化妆间看到郭追,坐在同一个位置上化妆。每次我走进门口时,他便从镜里扬扬眉毛,「嗨,你好!」,大家打个招呼。有次,他替一个女记者 小露宝改了个花名叫「毛虫」,对方不服气,于是回敬他一个「毛虫追」。自此,有时我们远远看到他便「毛虫追」、「郭跑」的喊,玩笑开了不少;但认真坐下来 聊聊却是从未试过。所以一晚深夜,电话打到去清水湾,我说:「郭追,给我们讲讲你的历史故事好不好?」我只知道,你以前耍过杂技。







「为什么不读书?」郭追低笑了一下,「我小的时候呀,环境很不好。妈妈也是跑江湖的,她不能把许多孩子带在身边,于是把我和弟弟送到新竹去,我弟弟过继了 给叔叔婶婶当儿子,我就住在祖母家。妈妈希望我在新竹,可以好好念书,可是,我七岁到新竹,住了六年,逃课三年,小学还差一年都没有毕业。」


「我没衣服穿,也没鞋子。」郭追声音沙沙地:「你知道,我住到祖母家,是要念书,要花钱的嘛,祖母是乡下人,也没多少钱。要她拿学费出来,她心里就不高兴 哪。有时就──就刻薄我,白天只准我吃一碗饭,晚上喝一碗粥;她常要我早上上山捡柴、做工,我不做就要捱打,没饭吃,所以我上两天课停一天的,后来到五年 级那年,妈妈也觉得我太苦,就叫大哥接我回台北,最后一年也没念了。」







郭追忽然笑起来,他说:「那时,我已经跟女朋友重新在一起了──有两年多,我们没机会联络过,后来有天在夜总会碰上,就像拍电影一般;」郭追说,当时他的 心像要从口里跳出来;「她见我又在混,又劝我找份正当职业,不如做贸易公司的职员,我就去啦。然后,我做了两年贸易公司的小职员,本来打算开个小工厂,不 够钱;去了一趟日本去演特技,回来后,就进了武行,赚一百块钱一天。」他太太这时亦不反对了,因为她知道郭追喜欢练武,更喜欢电影,而干武行比跑江湖算是 稳定得多。



「后来导演开『红孩儿』,需要一个石头人,叫我试镜,试完,看片子,他问我觉得怎样?我说自己好丑,好别扭,他笑。刘家良跟我说,以后有机会他们会找我。 我一听,就心想:没机会啦!」没料到张彻开「马可波罗」时,片中四名主角中的一角,准备起用郭追,但郭追接到通知时,不知道是这样重的角色,他只知道自己 答应别人再去一次日本在先,推了!












郭追笑,他说:「是真的。有段时期我常去找导演,他烦死了。」那时郭追初来香港,又挂住台湾的太太,又看不惯这里的许多事;「我想到,就要提出嘛,我是藏 不住话的,跟鹿峰一样,很土性。」郭追道。现在他慢慢安定下来,不再一会又说要走,一会又说要解约,所以张彻也不嫌他烦了,每次提起来总是哈哈笑。




Google Translate version:

See Guo Guo Chang Cheh chase chase see love at first sight saw the trembling Chang Cheh
[Author: Bin Ni | Updated :2009-2-8]
Text / bin ni "Southern movie"
In many cases, we do not call for Guo Guo chase chase, we call him Guo run.
"Guo Run away!" When he first heard this call, always sowed eyebrows laughing, having fun. Now? Has long been accustomed to.
Guozhuiguopao really cute
You certainly do not know why there is such a chase Guo strange stage name of it! Chase, chase What the hell? How Chang Cheh came up with this name come from? If you are the people of Taiwan, you know Guo catch up with Mandarin read, what is the point ─ ─ "Guo chase," national language read the law, is equivalent to Taiwan in the phrase "cute"; Why would a big man called "cute"? In particular, a spanking?
"That was when I was fourteen years old, has some nickname, called for several years; Zhang director and just put the" cute "and translated into Mandarin, do my stage name." Chasing Guo said, I was aware of this allusions.
Guo chasing 25-year-old, is one of Chang Cheh six teenager; fact that it is not new, Guo chase, at least not Lo Mang Sun Jian and other new, he has already filmed a movie and Jiang-sheng, such as "Boxer Rebellion" and so on; But the official was Chang Cheh value, given the opportunity, yet last year's thing. Therefore, although a lot of days with bow, but on screen, Guo is still a new chase.
Recently, Guo Jiang chase teenager with five other students, Sun Jian, Lo Mang, Wei Bai, Department of deer shot peak, "five", but also with the Ministry of Lo Mang took a "door of life and death." I heard, are quite good.
"I did not want it red, I'm afraid fall," said Guo chase: "Do not red, do not need red, stable enough."
Transported to the caterpillar when to chase
Weekdays, every day I can see in the dressing room to recover Guo, sitting in the same position on the make-up. Every time I walked into the door, he begins with the mirror in numerous eyebrows, "Hey, hello!", We say hello. One time, he worked for a female reporter Robocon changed a flower called "caterpillar", the other is not satisfied, then call him a "caterpillar chasing." Since then, he sometimes saw the "caterpillar chasing", "Guo run" of the call, joke a lot; but seriously sit down and talk but it is never tried. So one night late, telephone call to the Clear Water Bay, I said: "Guo chase, tell us about your historical stories, OK?" I know you've been playing acrobatics.
"My story Yeah, you have to listen to what some?" Guo chase laughs two patches, and then he said it slowly, very carefully.
Scrutinize his life story
"I make a movie before, is to do that is special to you ─ ─ ─ ─ acrobatics that I was in Taiwan engaged in a circus, that is, with the river to engage students and a few friends; we nightclubs in Taipei, Tainan, as well , Taichung, Kaohsiung and other local performances. "But that time making money, but also save money, one hand on the money spent. Jiang Guo chase and so mixed up six months after the health and other dissolved.
"I have been to Japan twice, both tricks; I was fourteen years old will enter a Minnan theater, tumbling school was a good turn, and later learned a little effort, so Shuaza Ji playing pretty well."
"Look, wait a minute," I interrupted his story, "Your teens, why not go to school go learn tumbling it?"
Collecting firewood for a meal beaten
"Why do not you read?" Guo chasing low laugh a little, "Yeah, when I was young, the environment is very bad. Wander mother is, she can not be many children close at hand, so to my brother and I went to Hsinchu, I adoptive brother, uncle, aunt, when his son had to, I live in the grandmother's house. my mother wanted me in Hsinchu, can study hard, but, I was seven to Hsinchu, lived for six years, skipping three years, the school year are not worse Graduation. "
"Why do not you live up to expectations, often lazy?"
"I did not wear clothes, nor shoes." Guo chase rustling sound: "You know, I live to grandmother's house, is to study, to spend money Well, his grandmother countryman, nor how much. To take her tuition out of her mind which would upset sometimes it would mean I ─ ─ during the day and only allowed me to eat a bowl of rice in the evening to drink a bowl; she always wanted me to morning mountain wood, work, and I do not do will be beaten , no food, so I stopped one day on two days of classes, and later that year to the fifth grade, her mother felt that I too bitter, then my brother called back to Taipei, did not read the last year. "
Guo tied the day is always smiling, it seems very optimistic, is a happy man, listen to stories of his childhood, I was very surprised, sad heart for Guo chase up.
Young mother and mixed rivers and lakes
Guo recovered to Taipei, it was already thirteen years old, ran for a year with her ​​mother dead, then the person into a Fujian troupe, learning tumbling, stage power rack, has been mixed with six or seven years.
"At that time, I know a girl, she is also actors, but her mother is very strict discipline, I do not like to make friends with the daughter that I did not copy chief, good for nothing; my girlfriend advised me to find a better Iron Works doing, also considered a skill. "Guo then ran to catch it when the monthly salary of NT $ 200, metal work, and burned and hammer, and boil for three months, suffer not go, turn to help people build a house.
"Fifty NT build a house one day, pretty good friends than the metal work." Guo chase laugh. But this work too hard, Guo did more than a year to recover, the body does not suffer to give up. It was then met Jiang-sheng.
"Circus dissolution, how do you it?"
Guo chase suddenly burst out laughing, he said: "At that time, I have a girlfriend back together with the ─ ─ more than two years, we have not had the opportunity to contact, then there are days in the club hit, just like film in general;" Guo chase, said his heart was like to jump out from the mouth; "I see her in the mix, but also advised me to find a proper job, as do the trading company's staff, I goes. Then, I worked for two years a small trading company staff had intended to open a small factory, not enough money; went to Japan to play stunt, came back, went into martial arts, earning one hundred dollars a day. "Then his wife do not object to the because she knows martial arts like Guo chase, more like movies, martial arts and dry be much more stable than wander.
One day, Chang Cheh to Changhua for "Boxer Rebellion" on location, need a lot of martial arts. Takeyuki head told Guo chase: "If you want eight, you will not copy the."
"I desperately pray and hope have taken, because I almost every movie directed by Zhang have seen, you do not know how in Taiwan, Chang Cheh word." Guo said the chase. The results did not God let him down.
"Then the director on" Red Kid ", who need a stone, told me to audition, the trial finished, to see the film, he asked what I think? I said I better or for worse, a good awkward, he laughed. Lau Kar-leung said to me, have the opportunity to They will come to me and I one, on the thought: No chance! "Chang Cheh did not expect to open the" Marco Polo ", the film's four main characters in the corner, ready to chase only use Guo, but Guo received a notice to recover I do not know is this important role, he only knew one of Japan promised to someone else to go first, and push it!
"I Zaozhidaojiu not pushed, this role was played by Lee Yi Man, if I was not Japanese, the situation is better than that." Guo chase seemed very sorry.
Came back from Japan, Guo has joined the chase longbow.
"Then the director told me that he told me was love at first sight."
A love a shake
"And you?"
"I ah, I was surprised to find him, even if unable to speak, feet trembling and he is good power and prestige it!"
I laughed, almost did not choke.
A love at first sight, saw a shivering, now, is Chang Cheh proud Guo chasing Aberdeen one of the new contract.
Chang Cheh said: "Several people among the fastest Wu Guo chase study, approachable, and was trained in handling." This is a public deed earners from the mouth of Chang Cheh asked to come back. Chang Cheh hate to be blunt, perceptive chase Guo good, learn quickly, looking to break out, Chang Cheh nature like him, but quite straightforward Guo chase.
"There are times that you directed your mind a lot, is troublesome ghost." I said.
Frank frank enough man
Guo chase laugh, he said: "is true. There was a time I often go to the director, he was sick of it." Guo then beginning to recover Hong Kong, and Taiwan's wife to hang, but could not understand many things here ; "I think we should make Well, I can not hide it, and with deer peak, very rural character." Guo chase Road. Now he slowly settled down, no one would say to go, one will be added to termination, so do not complain that he is tired of Chang Cheh, brought to always laugh every time.
"The director of several of our people, really good, give us many opportunities to red not red, is the number of our own lives." Guo chase for Chang Cheh, it seems very grateful. His former Ku Haha, today, much stronger than in the past, been very grateful hearts chase Guo Chang Cheh.
Guo never thought he would recover when the star, he had only like to watch movies, see the brilliant play on the screen star, he cheers, envy to death, now playing on the screen of their own, Guo How to recover not hard? Even a sweat, his bitter cola miles!
Guo chase very happy with the conversation, because he is really very straight, very honest, kind and friendly and simple country folk and Foolish neat.


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