Saturday, August 12, 1978

The Five Venoms (1978)

The Five Venoms aka The 5 Deadly Venoms aka Wu Du (5 Poisons)

This 1978 Shaw Brothers film established the core group of actors who would be remembered for their iconic portrayals as the five members of the Poison Clan:  #1 Centipede (Lu Feng), #2 Snake (Wei Pai), #3 Scorpion (Sun Chien), #4 Lizard (Kuo Chui), #5 Toad (Lo Mang).
Venoms L to R: #1 Centipede, #2 Snake, #3 Scorpion, #4 Lizard, #5 Toad
And one could argue the real fifth member should be Chiang Sheng (playing Teacher's final pupil, often labeled as #6) since Wei Pai did less films with the other members as time progressed.
Last pupil (aka #6): his hairstyle reflects he is a youthful man*
Up until this film, these six actors were part of the large players who mostly played supporting roles to established SB stars like Alexander Fu Sheng.  Director Chang Cheh decided to create a vehicle that would highlight this new group, his "Third Class" of players.  Apparently the studio balked at the idea since it didn't star any major name, but since Chang Cheh was a god there, they went along with the idea.  He came up with the idea of five animals and their separate characteristics used to define the styles of each martial artist.^  I think it was this idea of being able to define each style for each actor with a name and even colors made this film become the benchmark for these actors.
#1 red, #2 silver
#3 black
#5 tan/black
The color scheme argument can be further supported by the last pupil's motley-colored vest - #6 is a hodgepodge of the five styles and he is strong in no single discipline.
#6/last pupil - motley vest
The formula worked and established the troupe as real stars.  However they were most appreciated as a group versus individually which is why they were constantly teamed up in subsequent films.  Each Venom established an identity because he tended to portray an archetype: Lizard/Kuo Chui - the hero; Toad/Lo Mang - the good-hearted victim; Centipede/Lu Feng - the villain/main big boss; #6/Chiang Sheng - the happy-go-lucky hero's associate; Scorpion/Sun Chien - evil schemer masked as a good guy (Snake/Wei Pai - my only other recollections of him is the haughty swordsman in KwtGA and a minor role in TToKt so I've left him out).  These roles seemed to work for each actor because their physical traits and acting abilities lent themselves to match the characters they were assigned.
Kuo Chui became the main lead in the majority of SB films as the hero and is usually the lone survivor or last of two left standing.  His acting skills were the strongest of the group which is probably why he always got the lead.  He was also the most rounded in his athletic abilities: he was acrobatic, good at hand-to-hand, excellent with weapons and even using everyday items as weapons

As an officer of the court, Kuo Chui's character wore an official uniform throughout the movie so it wasn't the most impressive costume but above a worker or peasant garb.  The ending is a bonus since he sheds his robes to demonstrate he has denounced working for the corrupt court anymore so we get an eyeful of his great physique.

While KC may not have been as muscular as Lo Mang, he was well-defined and looked the most athletic of the group.  Lo Mang was the fighter of group with his Mantis-style background, and Sun Chien was the "kicker" with his tae kwon do skills.  But the impressive trio was Lu Feng, Chiang Sheng and KC with their Peking Opera training; that is what allowed those three to usually end up in the final battle for the films since they could do hundreds of moves per take.^  Of those three, I'd say Lu Feng was the "power" player, Chiang Sheng the "jumper," and KC was the complete package - he moved well, could jump as high and as well as Chiang Sheng, and handled weapons as expertly as Lu Feng.  But KC's form when doing moves was  flawless; he's just beautiful to watch, even when surrounded by all these other fantastic athletes.

My favorite moments from the movie are:

"Poison Clan rocks the world!" (dubbed version) declaration by the last pupil.

The look between Lizard and #6 when they see the yet-to-be-revealed Scorpion in his flashy outfit (to which Lizard didn't seem suspicious by his friend's transformation?).

Scorpion's entreaties to Centipede to join the fight is only answered when he offers to split the treasure.
"Fight with me or else they'll finish you."
Scorpion has to fight off Lizard and #6 alone

"You'll help me and we'll split the money!"
Dubbed version flubs:

When the last pupil finally reveals himself to Lizard, he calls himself #4 which is actually Lizard's number.

At the end, Lizard calls out for Snake and Centipede but calls the latter #5 instead of #1.*

My SB/KC checklist:
Role - Hero
Hair - "SB fighter" style - topknot ponytail, sideburns, 5 o'clock shadow
Handsome/Charming scale - **** 
Weapon of choice - n/a
Dub v.o. - the 2nd "good" voice (#6 Pupil/Chiang Sheng has the "good" voice)
Ending - 
lives; only survivor with Chiang Sheng

*Bey Logan commentary from Dragon Dynasty's DVD of The Five Deadly Venoms
^Ric Meyers commentary from Treasure Hunt DVD and/or Toby Russell's Eastern Heroes article
