Sunday, October 1, 1995

Interview with Philip Kwok

This is possibly the best (and only) in-depth interview with Kwok Choi I've seen online yet.  

It's informative and straight-forward which makes him all the more endearing.

I found this here - I take no credit for the info.


October 1995 Philip Kwok interview by Toby Russell for Eastern Heroes Special Edition #5

Without doubt one of the most gifted performers working in Hong Kong today would have to be Kwok Choy. Whatever your preference -- modern day fantasy, kung fu, Heroic Bloodshed, or even drama -- he has dished out fine performances in the genre. I managed to hook up with Kwok Choy in October '95 in Hong Kong to get more insight into what makes this Venom so deadly. Read on for an Eastern Heroes exclusive interview . . .

Eastern Heroes: When were you born?

Kwok Choy: I was born on October 21st 1951, Year of the Rabbit.

EH: How did you lose your fingers?